Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Fake Children Thanks to Media

Nintendo is an extremely famous gaming consul that children use all the time. And commercials are seen by children everyday so when you have a commercial about a game it catches the attention of kids. Well the above commercial is an OUTRAGE! The young girl is wearing too much make for her age as to look like a fake "barbie". She goes on to tell the viewers how she never has trouble figuring out what to wear because of her game. Negative effects have already been found on children with media, so it is no surprise to think of this game as actually harming the young. Children have no need to age so quickly, yet looking at this young girl it is apparent thanks to the media that is exactly what has been done. Commercials are always targiting children yet it may not actually be for the best, so watch out during these holidays and be aware of what the media is trying to tell your children.

1 comment:

  1. HA, I reacted to her the same way I reacted to the daughter on Modern Family: "what dad lets their daughter leave the house like that???" The only difference is, the daughter on MF is 18 in real life and the girl here... probably 7.
